πŸ™‚ Fortunately ⇆ πŸ™ Unfortunately of
πŸ™‚ Fortunately ⇆ πŸ™ Unfortunately #meta

Adam Shostack presented the Fortunately/Unfortunately method for threat modeling in his Whitepaper β€œFast, Cheap and Good - An Unusual Trade-off Available in Threat Modeling”. I like the method and want to discuss some ideas.

Here's how he introduced the method:

β€œFortunately/unfortunately” comes to us from improv comedy, and works surprisingly well in threat modeling. Someone says, β€œfortunately, X,” and someone else replies, β€œunfortunately, Y,” and the exercise continues back and forth. For example, β€œFortunately, we’re encrypting all this data!” β€œUnfortunately, we store the key in the same directory!” The fortunately/unfortunately structure provides an opportunity for both playful and serious exploration, within a very quick demonstration (β€œtraining”) in how it works.

πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ German: πŸ™ Leider ⇆ πŸ™‚ Zum GlΓΌck

For German speakers, I suggest πŸ™ Leider ... ⇆ πŸ™‚ Zum GlΓΌck ...

πŸ™‚ Fortunately ⇆ πŸ™ Unfortunately demo conversation

Here's an example with some more content:

patients can see their medical images online now. everyone else can, too. we have a login. it can be cracked easily.
we have brute-force protection. a random code with 15 digits from A-Z, 0-9 is good enough. patients forget the code. they have a paper printout. the printout is given to the wrong person. healthcare professionals are trained to check the patient's identity before they handout the printout. an opportunist gets access when they lose the printout. we have the birth date as another authentication factor. that won't deter people in the same household. most people live with people they trust or are well aware that they have to protect their secrets.

Paths in a tree?

This presentation introduces a way to look at πŸ™‚ Fortunately ⇆ πŸ™ Unfortunately, that it is basically exploring a path in a πŸ™‚ Fortunately ⇆ πŸ™ Unfortunately tree, where the conversation might have unfolded differently at each node. πŸ™‚ Fortunately ⇆ πŸ™ Unfortunately trees are similar to attack-defense trees, but different. In a conversation, the tree is implicit. We need natural language to trace back.

πŸ™‚ Super powers

Here's some super powers of πŸ™‚ Fortunately ⇆ πŸ™ Unfortunately:

it can be "trained" in 1 minute. it is fun and playful. it is good at finding acceptance criteria for mitigations. it is good at considering mitigation bypasses. it can consider all kinds of "What can go wrong?", not just security. it can unleash the power of language and import all kinds of repertoire. Examples ahead: it can import likelihood considerations by saying
this will never happen.
and challenging Unfortunately to show why this is worth addressing.
it can import feasibility considerations by saying
we won't be able to ship this fancy mitigation together with the feature.
and challenging Fortunately to provide feasible and good enough security.
it can import training and knowledge acquisition by saying
we don't know how to build that kind of thing.
and challenging Fortunately to demonstrate learning opportunities.

πŸ™ Downsides debunked πŸ™‚

Here's some disadvantages of πŸ™‚ Fortunately ⇆ πŸ™ Unfortunately and some ideas how to overcome them:

it needs two or more players and I don't have any friends. it can be played by one player who is good at dialectical self-talk. almost everyone can be a player. you can certainly find one friend if you try. it can't threat model a system that is big enough so that I care. it works in an Incremental Threat Modeling scenario where we threat model a small increment with a narrow scope, which is a realistic scenario, especially with a "threat model every story" approach. it can be used in a Divide & Conquer approach as a Conquer strategy and let the Divide strategy reduce the scope until it works. it is not the only threat modeling method that exists. it is still good as a starter drug for threat modeling. it is unstructured. it can be combined with structured approaches, like STRIDE, to provide some guidance. For example, we might scope upfront that we want to discuss availability. it is transient and easily forgotten. we can have a transient conversation and still capture the essential learnings. it can be operated as a collaborative writing exercise. it can be recorded, transcribed and post-processed. it needs to be drawn as a tree when written down. it can be presented flat, when different branches are not that important. we can present a tree as text with indentation like seen here. it is sometimes hard to stick to the system and have a single conversation. we can have multiple conversations / a forest of trees. it is not directly obvious what are good conversation starters. we can start with features we devolop, like
now we can X...
or with problems that were reported.
it mixes essentials with ideas, may have irrelevant paths and include wrong turns. it can be seen as an input for actual decision what is relevant, kept and done. in a transcribed conversation, we can mark relevant things bold or strike-out irrelevant things. it may be too playful for some people to be taken seriously. we can demonstrate its value by introducing it with a real example from a familiar domain. it lacks obvious support how to easily trace back. Unfortunately can always jump to a more promising branch by saying
there's another problem: Z
when the current branch is a winning branch for Fortunately.
it is kind of DFSy (depth-first-search-y) when it should better be BFSy (breadth-first-search-y). that is not a problem when we operate it as a writing exercise. the tree doesn't fit in our head, so we can't backtrace easily and may forget some branches. ???

Conclusion / TL;DR

πŸ™‚ Fortunately ⇆ πŸ™ Unfortunately is an exciting method that is particularly impressive due to its light weight. To operate it seriously, it needs a few more ingredients: How is it embedded? How do we explore the relevant branches? How are the results processed? It also works as a collaborative writing exercise that explores πŸ™‚ Fortunately ⇆ πŸ™ Unfortunately forests.

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